Wednesday, June 5, 2013


June 4, 2013. ( During his daily Mass at the Vatican's Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis talked about hypocrisy. He explained a specific Gospel passage, where a group of Jews tries to talk Jesus into a trap.  The Pope said that hypocritical language,  is what  corrupt people normally use. 

POPE FRANCIS“Hypocrisy is the very language of corruption. And when Jesus speaks to his disciples, he says: 'let your language be: Yes, yes! No, no.' Hypocrisy is not a language of truth, because the truth is never given alone. Never! It is always given with love! There is no truth without love. Love is the first truth. If there is no love, there is no truth. These men want truth enslaved to their own interests. There is a love, of sorts: it is love of the self, love for themselves. That narcissist idolatry that leads them to betray others, that leads them to the abuse of trust.”
The Pope explained the importance of speaking clearly, of telling the truth without failing to be charitable with others and without trying to manipulate them. 

POPE FRANCIS“We all have some inner weakness and we like people to compliment us. We like that, we are all a bit vain, and these corrupt people know that and so they try to weaken us.  Let us think closely today: What is our language? Do we speak in truth, with love, or do we speak with in a 'sociable language': we are polite, we even say nice things, but we do not feel them? Let our language be evangelical brothers and sisters! These hypocrites that start out with flattery, adulation and all of that, will end up as false witnesses, accusing the very ones they had flattered. Let us ask the Lord today that our language be the language of the simple, the language of a child, the language of the children of God, the language of truth in love.”

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