Friday, August 16, 2013

struggle, resurrection, hope.

“Through the light of this beautiful icon, of our mother, we can analyze the message inside the today's biblical readings. We can focus on three words, struggle, resurrection, hope.” 

The first term, according to Pope Francis, addresses the inherent struggle between good and evil, and how Our Lady plays an important role in guiding the world along this struggle. 

“Mary joins us, she fights at our side. She supports Christians in the fight against the forces of evil. Especially through prayer, through the rosary. Hear me out, the rosary... Do you pray the Rosary each day? I don't know, are you sure? There we go!” 

The Pope continued saying that Our Lady had shared in the struggles of her son, Jesus Christ. She suffered along with him, and so when Jesus resurrected, she was also given redemption. 

“Our Mother, we can add, represents us. she is our Sister, our first Sister to be granted redemption and taken to Heaven.” 

Because of her suffering and redemption, Our Lady is also the most iconic image of hope, Pope Francis said. She is close to those who suffer throughout the world, and she provides them the hope to overcome their struggle. 
“Unfortunately, painful news has come from Egypt. I wish to ensure my prayers for all the victims and their families, the injured and all those who are suffering. Let us pray together for peace, dialogue and reconciliation in that dear nation and throughout the world. Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. Let's all say it, Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.”

He issued his remarks before thousands of people who had gathered to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Liberty Square in Castel Gandolfo. The Pope also said that it has now been 25 years since John Paul II issued the Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem, about the dignity and vocation of women. He urged the faithful to analyze the role of women in the Church.

“This document is rich in ideas that deserve to be renewed and developed; and at the foundation of it all is the figure of the Virgin Mary.”

The Pope also said that each affirmative answer to God, as with the example of Our Lady, is one step closer to Heaven.

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